Wedding & reception

Please join us for the main event!

Date: Sunday, May 25, 2003

Where: The Holly Farm

1:30 Greeting the bride and groom: Arrive by 1:30 if you'd like to greet Mark or Ellen at the Groom's and and Bride's tables (tisch). Don't worry if you don't know what we're talking about, just show up and have fun with us.
2:00 Veiling the bride: The men will joyously walk Mark to Ellen to begin the wedding ceremonies.
2:30 Marriage ceremony under the Huppah: The main event.
3:00 - 9:00pm reception

9:00 - ?: The unique venue of the Holly Farm will allow us to invite everyone to continue to enjoy a fun, special evening with us after the reception ends.

Who: Everyone (adults only)